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    A collection of articles, blogs, webinars, and resources. Get insights, advice, and tools created by experts in Product Management, Agile, SAFe, and Profit.

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    Value Streams and Profits

    Exploring the Relationship Between the Flow of Value and the Flow of Money Value streams are the foundation of ... Read More
    Applied Frameworks

    Good Bye 2023! Hello 2024!

    As 2023 comes to a close, we look back on the best parts of the past year. Here are just a few of the amazing things the... Read More

    Webinar: Prioritizing Prioritization

    For companies and organizations to survive, they need to prioritize. But to thrive, their priorities must mesh like... Read More

    Webinar: What is a Profit Stream?

    What is a Profit StreamTM and why should you care? Profit is the net income resulting from revenue minus expenses.... Read More

    Context Is King: How Agile Job Stories Can Lead To Better Product Fit

    Jobs-To-Be-Done is a powerful product strategy framework, and Jobs Stories, an evolution of the User Story, are core to... Read More

    Profit Streams for Growth Pricing

    Every software company has Profit Streams, whether they know it or not, but many do not know how to maximize their... Read More

    Ask Me Anything: Design In SAFe

    Check out the follow up to the latest episode in the Agile Expert Webinar series. Design in SAFe explored how CVS... Read More

    CVS Health - A Miracle Occurs - How We Integrated Design into SAFe

    For decades, leading companies have created dedicated design teams as equals of product and engineering teams to create... Read More

    Exploring Techniques for Aligning Vision

    In our previous Product Management Minute, we explored what a good Vision Statement looks like as well as anti-patterns... Read More

    Roadmaps to Profit: Making Money with the Now-Next-Later Strategy

    Have you ever thought about how your product roadmap can become your secret money-making tool? Janna Bastow, a savvy... Read More

    SPC Journey: Episode 12 - I'm an SPC and a Veteran

    Watch Applied Frameworks SAFe® Fellow and SPCT, Phil Gardiner hosted the latest installment in the SPC Journey series. SPCs... Read More

    The Power of a Vision for Building a Profitable Software Solution

    Product Management is a team sport and the complexity of the team and interactions required to shepherd a sustainably... Read More

    Sustainable SAFe - What is Sustainable SAFe?

    Hear from SAFe Fellow, Phil Gardiner, in this kickoff event for a new Webinar Series about Sustainable SAFe. The tables... Read More

    How Can I Leverage the Solution Lifecycle?

    Product Managers guiding the creation of software-enabled solutions need to be aware of the Solution Lifecycle, a model... Read More

    How to Leverage Innovation Games to Gather Customer Insights

    I Don’t Know My Customers … Help! Part 4 In our last webinar, we highlighted various tools and techniques, including several... Read More