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    Solution Profitability Management™

    Everything you need to design, build, and grow sustainably profitable software-enabled solutions throughout the entire solution lifecycle.

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    Optimize profit throughout the solution lifecycle of your product.

    Every choice made by business leaders has a direct impact on their bottom line. Whether it's the constant, rapid decisions about which features to unveil and operational enhancements to implement, or the occasional adjustments to pricing and licensing, profitability is always on the line.

    With the Horizon platform, a cutting-edge environment empowers you to make smarter and faster decisions throughout the entire lifecycle of your solution.

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    Profit Principles

    Here are the principles that guide the development of sustainably profitable software-enabled solutions.

    • Profit Fuels Sustainability


      In the same way that Mother Nature depends on the sun's energy to support life on Earth, every business depends on profit for its long-term viability. Profit fosters a harmonious relationship between a business and its customers, creating a cycle of mutual benefit. With a healthy profit margin, a business can continually invest in the advancement of its solutions.

      The Applied Frameworks Difference

    • Pricing is a System

      Systems Thinking

      To create a sustainable Software-Enabled Solution, we must carefully navigate a network of interconnected choices. By arranging the components of our system on a canvas, we generate a concise depiction that fosters all-encompassing innovation, collaborative knowledge, and collective teamwork.

      The Applied Frameworks Difference

    • Pricing and Packaging Evolve

      Keep the profit flowing

      To maintain a steady flow of profit, top-performing companies go beyond delivering value. They constantly adapt their pricing and packaging strategies to maximize profit throughout the entire lifespan of their solutions.

      The Applied Frameworks Difference

    • Profitability is a Team Sport

      Systems of people design the system of profit.

      The Applied Frameworks approach to Solution Profitability Management empowers business leaders to seamlessly create, price, package, sell, distribute, license, support, and expand their software-enabled solutions. With a special appreciation for Agile Product Managers worldwide, this innovative framework enables businesses to thrive.

      The Applied Frameworks Difference



    In the same way that Mother Nature depends on the sun's energy to support life on Earth, every business depends on profit for its long-term viability. Profit fosters a harmonious relationship between a business and its customers, creating a cycle of mutual benefit. With a healthy profit margin, a business can continually invest in the advancement of its solutions.

    The Applied Frameworks Difference


    Systems Thinking

    To create a sustainable Software-Enabled Solution, we must carefully navigate a network of interconnected choices. By arranging the components of our system on a canvas, we generate a concise depiction that fosters all-encompassing innovation, collaborative knowledge, and collective teamwork.

    The Applied Frameworks Difference


    Keep the profit flowing

    To maintain a steady flow of profit, top-performing companies go beyond delivering value. They constantly adapt their pricing and packaging strategies to maximize profit throughout the entire lifespan of their solutions.

    The Applied Frameworks Difference


    Systems of people design the system of profit.

    The Applied Frameworks approach to Solution Profitability Management empowers business leaders to seamlessly create, price, package, sell, distribute, license, support, and expand their software-enabled solutions. With a special appreciation for Agile Product Managers worldwide, this innovative framework enables businesses to thrive.

    The Applied Frameworks Difference


    Holistic Pricing

    "I was impressed with the comprehensive and holistic approach the Growth Pricing Workshop took. It covers an immense amount of complex material, delivered in a way that flows effortlessly between strategy and workshops, reinforcing each concept in the company’s own terms. We advise all of our portfolio companies to attend a Growth Pricing workshop."

    David McFarlaneOperating Partner, Companyon Ventures

    Workshops that work for entrepreneurs

    "I hired Applied Frameworks to help us in our next iteration of our pricing. In addition to the business value, I really enjoyed working together - a perfect balance of expertise-based thinking/healthy challenging of assumptions with humility and understanding me as a person and an entrepreneur."

    Andrew PhelpsFounder and CEO, Incentive Pilot

    Improve CARR with better pricing and packaging

    "We hired Applied Frameworks to help us redesign our pricing and packaging. The results have been amazing! CARR has increased by 35%, and new logos choosing an annual plan has increased from 20% to 65%, significantly improving cash flow and preparing us for our next phase of growth."

    Marc VisentFounder and CEO, Knowify

    Want more profit?

    We know you do....and so do we.

    Let's Talk