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    Introducing Horizon

    The official Solution Profitability Management Platform.


    Horizon helps you optimize profit throughout the solution lifecycle.

    Every decision made by business leaders has a direct impact on profitability. From the continuous, high-frequency decisions regarding which features to release and what operational improvements to implement, to the discontinuous, low-frequency decisions that involve adjusting pricing and licensing, profitability is always at stake.

    With the Horizon platform, you are provided with an innovative environment that empowers you to make smarter and quicker decisions throughout the entire solution lifecycle.


    AI Assistant

    Leave no stone unturned by harnessing our AI prompts to help you improve every decision. Horizon will become part of your daily habit for frequent decisions and will support you in more complex decisions. Our AI Assistant provides:

    • Real-time feedback that improves decision-quality and decision-flow.
    • Continued learning and exploration on profitability and pricing. 
    • Pre-built questions (known as 'prompts') that improve human-to-AI collaboration.


    Sign Up for Horizon

    Our Community

    Align your business around what matters most for sustainability: Profit.

    Join the virtual gathering place for Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Product Managers, Venture Capitalists, and Investors to share best practices in the art and science of creating sustainably profitable software-enabled solutions. 

    Sign Up for Horizon

    Horizon: Real and artificial intelligence for decisions

    The Horizon model for real and artificial intelligence for decision-making is grounded in a deep understanding of how we make the best decisions.

    • The Trigger

      Triggers start the process

      Decision-making starts with a trigger - a realization that we need to make a decision. 

      There is an endless stream of triggers. Some, like selecting which features to implement, or preparing for a planning meeting, are frequent and enable us to maintain a flow of value.

      Others are less frequent, such as launching a new product, responding to a competitive threat, or simply evaluating profitability now that your solution has reached maturity. 

      Horizon helps with every kind of decision. Horizon helps you make small decisions faster and with higher quality. 

      For larger decisions that impact pricing and packing, Horizon helps you understand the trigger and prepares you for the next step in the process.


    • Developing and Understanding Options

      Research and familiarity

      The second step in the Horizon decision-making process mimics our natural decision-making process: we conduct research and become familiar with our options. 

      For smaller decisions, Horizon's interactive model enables business leaders to quickly understand and improve their decision. 

      For more complex decisions, such as those associated with pricing and packaging, Horizon's approach helps you generate options and prepares you to engage with experts to help you finalize your choices. 

      You'll be guided by the Profit Streams™  framework, and the Profit Stream Canvas™. 


    • Expert Advice and Validation

      Confirm with Experts  

      To refine and solidify your most important product management decisions, including pricing and packaging, engage with experts in the Horizon community. Their knowledge and experience provide insights and guidance across industries and markets. Community experts help you:

      • Gain new perspectives and uncover blind spots. 
      • Connect with like-minded professionals to optimize pricing strategies, exchange ideas, and stay updated on industry trends.
      This engagement boosts confidence, accelerates decision-making, and maximizes profitability.
    • Implementation

      Clarity enables speed

      An improved decision-making process combines clarity with speed to enable you to move with confidence. 

      Confidence enables you to seize every opportunity to maximize success throughout the solution lifecycle. Unlock your solution's full profit potential and pave the way for unparalleled success in your business.

      And you'll continue to execute this process faster, improving flow in response to the next trigger. 



    Triggers start the process

    Decision-making starts with a trigger - a realization that we need to make a decision. 

    There is an endless stream of triggers. Some, like selecting which features to implement, or preparing for a planning meeting, are frequent and enable us to maintain a flow of value.

    Others are less frequent, such as launching a new product, responding to a competitive threat, or simply evaluating profitability now that your solution has reached maturity. 

    Horizon helps with every kind of decision. Horizon helps you make small decisions faster and with higher quality. 

    For larger decisions that impact pricing and packing, Horizon helps you understand the trigger and prepares you for the next step in the process.



    Research and familiarity

    The second step in the Horizon decision-making process mimics our natural decision-making process: we conduct research and become familiar with our options. 

    For smaller decisions, Horizon's interactive model enables business leaders to quickly understand and improve their decision. 

    For more complex decisions, such as those associated with pricing and packaging, Horizon's approach helps you generate options and prepares you to engage with experts to help you finalize your choices. 

    You'll be guided by the Profit Streams™  framework, and the Profit Stream Canvas™. 



    Confirm with Experts  

    To refine and solidify your most important product management decisions, including pricing and packaging, engage with experts in the Horizon community. Their knowledge and experience provide insights and guidance across industries and markets. Community experts help you:

    • Gain new perspectives and uncover blind spots. 
    • Connect with like-minded professionals to optimize pricing strategies, exchange ideas, and stay updated on industry trends.
    This engagement boosts confidence, accelerates decision-making, and maximizes profitability.

    Clarity enables speed

    An improved decision-making process combines clarity with speed to enable you to move with confidence. 

    Confidence enables you to seize every opportunity to maximize success throughout the solution lifecycle. Unlock your solution's full profit potential and pave the way for unparalleled success in your business.

    And you'll continue to execute this process faster, improving flow in response to the next trigger. 



    Want more Profit?

    We know you do. So do we.

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