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    Product Playbook: Why You Need One

    A basic Certified Scrum Product Owner course gives Product Owners what they need to be effective product managers with... Read More

    Agile Product Roadmaps: How to Make a Great One

    Let’s face it: most product roadmaps suck. In fast-moving environments, Agile teams can get lost in the gap that exists... Read More

    Simple Definition for Product Vision

    The product vision describes what you intend to provide to the market and the types of customers you intend to serve. Vision... Read More

    Why Product Managers are Still Important in the Age of Agile

    To answer that question, we first need to have an operational definition of product management. Steven Haines, the author... Read More

    Product vs. Service - Who Cares?

    That is actually a legitimate question from the perspective of a consumer. As long as the consumer gets what they want, do... Read More

    How to Make a Product Playbook

    “A well-designed system filled with ordinary—but well-trained—people can consistently achieve stunning performance... Read More

    Seven Types of Value Exchange

    If you want to design a business model that generates revenue and provide the organization with profit, product managers and... Read More

    Types of Scrum Product Owners

    There are many different types of Product Owners in the world, so let us examine the common ways I have seen Product... Read More

    Roadmaps & Release Planning: Applied Frameworks Canvas

    Great results come from more than great product development. You need a coordinated effort—from idea to revenue. There’s a... Read More

    Fourteen Cognitive Biases Common to Product Owners

    While the human mind has an amazing capacity for creative thought and sheer computational power, it has some annoying... Read More

    Six Common Mistakes of a Product Owner

    How do you cope with the weak Product Owner? You don’t – find a new Product Owner (PO) or stop using Scrum. Scrum is... Read More

    How to Run an Agile Coaching Dojo

    An Agile coaching dojo is a safe place to improve three important skills for an Agile Coach – observing, listening and... Read More

    10 types of business model pivots on Lean startups

    Pivot is one of those words that some Agile people like to throw around to sound hip and cool, but often use incorrectly. I... Read More

    How to Run a Coding Dojo

    At Agile Portugal, I heard Emily Bache (@emilybache) give an inspiring keynote address on the importance of coding dojos to... Read More

    Vision - the Good, the Bad & the Ugly

    A vision is much more than a feel-good, milquetoast collection of words plastered on the wall that no one reads, i.e.... Read More