• Need to know the customer’s perception of the value of your product — not your guess at it,
  • Make better product decisions and waste less money when you have the ability to accurately estimate the customer value of new features,
  • Might theoretically appreciate the value of a product failure, but definitely appreciate the value of a product success.

My colleague, Carlton Nettleton, recently introduced Applied Frameworks’ repackaged Profit Engine Framework, a tool we’ve developed for software businesses to optimize their business practices. 

In the video and presentation below, I take a deep dive into defining customer value as it relates to the Profit Engine Framework. I explain how to clearly define, estimate, and validate value through the introduction of a framework to quantify customer value, and I present a case study based on Mailchimp, the popular email software platform. 


This is the first in a series of videos exploring the Profit Engine Framework. As always, I look forward to your feedback.

You can also download the presentation here or download the Value Quantification Framework.