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    Reinvigorate SAFe

    Level up your SAFe implementation: Optimize around value, attack the bottlenecks, and strengthen new ways of working.

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    Optimize Around Value

    When it comes to implementing SAFe, it is better to start than to wait for perfection. Once you are in motion, the challenge becomes understanding specific actions to take to optimize the flow of value. Optimizing the flow of value can take many forms. It might mean relaunching ARTs, implementing LPM, strengthening product management capabilities, or expanding SAFe across the enterprise. 

    Our experience with SAFe enables us to guide you in the specific actions you can take to increase the flow of profit.

    Talk to a SAFe Fellow

    Attack the Next Bottleneck

    Organizations that adopt SAFe typically start with their development and/or IT functions.

    After trains are running, bottlenecks can be identified upstream, inside, and downstream from the train. For example, a bottleneck may exist within Product Management or Portfolio Strategy.

    We'll help you apply SAFe Flow accelerators, value stream mapping, and our own proprietary techniques to remove bottlenecks no matter where are found.

    Talk to a SAFe Fellow

    Strengthen the Core

    Sustainability means leading past the initial burst of energy in the early phases of your SAFe transformation to creating a strong core of internal leaders.

    The secret is creating leaders who are adept at using Lean-Agile value and principles to sustain and evolve the new ways of working. As experts in your business as well as SAFe, they adapt to changing business conditions.

    Everything we do - from our training to our consulting - is guided by the vision of your team becoming the new core of leaders to sustain and evolve your new ways of work.  

    Partner with us to accelerate the potential of SAFe through workshops, masterclasses, mentoring, and strategic planning sessions.

    Talk to a SAFe Fellow

    Ready to Level up your SAFe Implementation?

    Reinvigoration SAFe with Applied Frameworks to optimize around value, attack the bottlenecks and strengthen new ways of working.

    Let's Talk