Scrum does not have anything similar, so I decided to create my own (modeled on the XP rights). Feel free to distribute and share.
Every Team member has the following rights:
- To produce quality work at all times.
- To know what is needed from the business with clear declarations of priority.
- To ask for, and receive, help from peers, management, and customers.
- To experiment with new ideas, technologies and roles to grow both as a professional and an individual.
Every Product Owner has the following rights:
- To receive the greatest possible value out of every week.
- To know what can be accomplished by the Team, when and at what cost.
- To see incremental progress in a viable product proven to work by passing acceptance criteria they specify.
- To be informed of schedule changes promptly in order to take effective countermeasures and reset expectations with the stakeholders.
- To collaborate with the business on setting the future direction of the product.
Every ScrumMaster has the following rights:
- To try out different ideas, approaches and techniques to remove impediments which impede the flow of value.
- To be given time for initiatives to take hold and produce change.
- To take measured risks and learn from setbacks.
- To be supported by senior leaders in the organization.
- To be provided access to different parts of the business while identifying and removing impediments.
Every Stakeholder has the following rights:
- To receive regular status updates through interacting with a working product.
- To change their mind, substitute functionality, and adjust priorities without paying exorbitant costs.
- To cancel the product at any time and be left with a working product providing real business value reflecting the investment to date.
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by lisacrispin, Ron_Mann, Adam Yuret, Pete Walen, Carlton Nettleton and others. Carlton Nettleton said: New post: Scrum Bill of Rights […]